Free – Take what you need! offer this to you, my wonderful blogosphere friends! Truly, find what you most need and speak for it. I’m infusing this post with a bit of magical energy, so choose wisely (and abundantly!), and let me know how it goes!

(I found this image on this site, and knew immediately that I wanted to share it on mine!)

~ by Julianna on June 14, 2012.

33 Responses to “Free – Take what you need!”

  1. I take them all…greedy me but only because i also want to share :). Great post, thanks for sharing


  2. Shared on twitter


    • Awesome Boomiebol – it’s a gift that I would like to be shared as widely as possible!. And I LOVE that you’re taking them all…not greedy – just rejoicing in abundance!


  3. Hi I am sharing this post and also I need help with courage to overcome fear, so a little of that to boost mine when I dip would be helpful…love to you x


    • Hi Jane – Glad you shared (I’m hoping lots of people do…because, why not?!). Courage, slow and deep, coming your way. (I’m about to do a healing session, so I’ll bring you – and all the other readers – into the energy of the session). Let me know how it goes for you!


  4. We’ll take some more Patience, more Love, Faith, and Peace. Sharing on pinterest.


    • Okay, Patience, more Love, Faith, and Peace coming your way. Holding the space as I enter my energy sessions for the day. And hooray for sharing – keep spreading the wealth! 🙂


  5. I take faith please!! And if possible, I would love a sample of each of the others. ;). Hugs! Jo


  6. I took one and love, peace, freedom and a lot of poetry. Thanks for sharing the magic that is sometimes lacking in the world.


    • Cruz – magic abounds, as long as we have our eyes (hearts?) open to it! I can tell that you share your own kind of magic, so thank you for that. (And thanks also for speaking English…my Spanish is so rusty that I’m embarrassed to try it!).


  7. I took love, patience, piece and freedom.
    Thank you so much for visited me.


  8. This is such a gorgeous idea. Would be a great awareness ad on any community boards.


  9. I absolutely love this. I could use some courage and strength right about now…


    • Papparaci – I’m a huge fan of it too, and it seems like we’re not the only ones! Take a few deeps breaths and imagine strength and courage filling each particle of your being. Feel them coming in on your breath, as if you’re getting a transfusion. Smile as you do this – all is well! 🙂


  10. I’ll take love, because love is what makes everything else seem possible 🙂
    Thank you!


  11. Reblogged this on igatherum and commented:
    What a good idea!


  12. Awww….! Thank you so much for such a great prominent piece of share, Julianna. 🙂



  13. Reblogged this on Inspirational + Awesome.


  14. So, so, so loved this post! 🙂


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